Do a Super Excited Seafood Cook at Home


Do a Super Excited Seafood Cook at Home

I have a stick full of unsalted butter, here I am I'll add a small jar full of ground beef

Garlic You can add as much garlic as you want Wanting anything depends on what you like and

then I went on and cut a large onion and put it here too what we will do we will leave that

Simmer for about five minutes or just until the buttermilk and off we go now add our spices, i just go

Go ahead and add my spices, now I'm adding about two to three tablespoons of each

Spice up this mixture I'll show you You guys, where I use the spices solo a second you want to go ahead and get that everything shakes and then you want go ahead and add about two or three cups

Water, so here i'm just adding that Water in there, that yellow thing, that You see in the water it's just a chicken Stock cube that I followed and added so go ahead and add your chicken

the bars are kept there and then simply start over until it's ok I combined the spices that I put here

We are a chili powder garlic powder lemon Paprika onion powder black cayenne pepper and Creole Spice Old Bay Spice that gold bar cube and some brown sugar and what you want to do then is you

I just want to go ahead and leave the sauce Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes and This is what it should look like when it's done You just want to cook and you're done I already have to turn off the stove I boiled my potatoes and my corn and what What I'm going to do is keep going and put my boiled potatoes and my corn popping in that sauce and i just go soak in this sauce up to our boat

and our crab is ready and while our corn and our potatoes are soak, let's go ahead and begin

Clean our handle now that's it thawed what i'm doing now so i just am scrape off a lot of dirt

Sometimes it's in the crab before you go before to cook it or in the You can now use a kitchen knife in the oven or if you go ahead and use a toothbrush, however there is a lot of dirt and the things that were in the crabs before go and cook it the way you want Make sure you go ahead and clean

that's fine so just take yours weather So go ahead and do this alone Watch me go ahead and reveal them

I don't like to take prawns now Shell of my prawns When I cook it I just keep going and just

Design it with the shell as I like it here i have a little fork and i am I'll just go ahead and slide that fork

through i will go ahead and yours this shrimp needs a little now a while so bear it

and take your time for it another our seafood is clean, i will do it Go ahead and grab our crab legs and I'll be I'll go ahead and put them in a pan and then i go ahead and begin spice them up so i will do it

I'll have some melted butter, that's a I'll make a stick full of melted butter Squeeze out some garlic paste and I'll go ahead and pour this in all the dice and i will bet in the oven at 350 degrees to

between 20 and 25 minutes, absolutely Cover the pan with aluminum foil that like crab shells don't dry out While our crab is in the oven, we get let's start with our prawns here i only have some melted butter the spices I have here is old Lemon, pepper and some onion powder. I will also go ahead and add some

Garlic paste I'll stir it all up and then i go on and sauté the prawns until fully cooked now be careful why not I want to cook that too much because then it becomes difficult to peel and once the prawns are in done guys that's pretty much I want to go ahead and play everything together i take my potatoes and mine the corn in my food cooks the sauce and i am downplay and i'm going too Go ahead and add our cooked prawns here also and then you go on And have that soccer seed sauce do that we did it in the beginning and we just are I'll go ahead and pour this all over the place the seafood and then the last thing i watch went on and added some parsley and I really hope you guys get peppers on top

I enjoyed this video thank you guys a lot for a thousand subscribers guys are really loved and appreciated again 
